Welcome to GnomeLedge (39/42)
Mar 2024 Updates - 39 Gnomes remains
How Many Thinking Styles Have You Learnt?
How Many Thinking Styles Have You Mastered Thus Far?
How Many Thinking Styles Have You Mastered Thus Far?
Mental Model for Designing Things
by Binding the Varied Perspectives and Strengths of a Group of Humans
Mental Model for Building AND Analysing Invisible Things
(Concepts -> Software) AND (Software -> Concepts)
Mental Model for Solving and Reasoning About Things
Mental Model for Translating Design Things for Machine
Mental Model for Dreaming and Planning About
What Could Bes, What Is Possible, What Is NOT Impossible...
And One Day, One of the Path WILL Be...
Mental Model for Uncovering New & Unique Perspectives
It looks silly when you are an adult trying to squeeze into an artificial construct. ->
Learn to think free, acquire new abilities & insights, adapt, grow and create new flows ->
To do better, become more capable & accomplished, or solve old problems in new ways, or uncover unique mysteries.