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Intelligence by Design

Section 3: Learning How to Learn

Be the Architect of Your Own Learning-Mastery Journey

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✨ Explorers and Shapers of the Digital Worlds ✨

In the Year 2023, 42 gnomes came to Earth.
In the Year 2024, 39 gnomes have risen into the Nimbus.
In the Year 2025, they will learn to Shape new worlds.

This is their story.

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[New] Intelligence by Design

Intent Full Flow to Build Yourself

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12th Jan 2024 - New Miro Board

For Data Visualisation for Business (DVB)

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[New] Code Playground

Version Beta (Supports HTML, CSS, Javascript + JQuery Library)

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"Education is not the learning of the facts,
but the training of the mind to think."

— Albert Einstein

The Whys of Learning and In Search for Answers...

Why do we learn? What do we hope to gain from different learning journeys?

Unless you are born with a silver spoon, the concept of studying to find good job should not be new to you.

Most of us have to earn a living to support ourselves and our families in the future.

Knowledge, skills and increase in our own capabilities/abilities are what we should hope to acquire as we go through different learning journeys in the world today.

Three aspects will help us design a learning flow to improve our ability to learn....

First, you need to understand your domain.

This is the large cluster of human knowledge and skills you have decided to explore.

This programme is under the domain of Computer Science. The umbrella of focuses in Computer Science includes:

Second, understand the stages of learning and mastery.....

So if you are struggling to figure a new skill, don’t give up.

Go back to the basics, the earlier stages of learning.

Follow the instructions given, try-fail-start to try again.

Third, you will need to understand that a key principle behind improving “anything”, be it learning, sports, health, wealth… is a sequence of iterative steps/flow that can be conducted with intent.....

These steps which are usually formed by the driven individual (as you yourself will know best how you can study) will help you improve, optimise and strengthen your core knowledge and skills… overtime.

But of course having a draft plan is one thing, the willpower to carry out the plan consistently is something we will touch on in later sections.

Below is an example of how you can structure your iterative learning flow in future, when learning new things.

1. Be aware of the schedule (and deadlines)
I will have 8 hours of lesson time spread across Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for Operating System Essentials (OSE) module.
Around Week 6 OR 7, I will have my (INDIVIDUAL) Practical Assignment that comprises 40% of my modular grades.
Around Week 9 OR 10, I will have my Formal Theory Exam that comprises 50% of my modular grades.

2. A Typical Week of Operating System Essentials (OSE) Studies
Weekly Commitment: on average about 8 to 12 hours per week.
About 6-8 hours in class absorbing Theory and practicing my lab work with Virtual Machines.
(mandatory for maxing my 10% Behavior, Attitude & Attendance [BAA] grades.
Refer to the class slides on ✅ module marking requirements).
About 3 hours of self-paced e-learning, re-reading Theory and re-doing Practical Tasks (optional).

3. There are usually (5) steps for each week that I need to iterate
(1) Prepare and launch my OSE environment and toolkit (Ref: https://gnomeledge.com/toolsofthetrade.php)

(2) Download my lecture notes from A. MyConnexion 3.0 (Ref: https://itelms.polite.edu.sg/).
Then, archive my lecture notes into my local module folder.

(3) Go through Lecture notes and complete Quizzes.

(4) Open up the VMWare Player and Windows Image (which I have setup in Week 1) to do the various labs.

You can use the above example as a template to draft out the key points, and take note of your learning flow.

With lots of hard work and training of your mind to improve based on different learning flows...

One day you will realised what knowledge that used to be hard to comprehend, will be easily broken down by your improved mental abilities.

More Content will be added gradually to this section overtime. Stay tuned!