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Intelligence by Design

Section 8: Learning From Others

Observing and Understanding Other Humans As They Solve “Unique” Problems

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Home of QH2301B/N/U

✨ Explorers and Shapers of the Digital Worlds ✨

In the Year 2023, 42 gnomes came to Earth.
In the Year 2024, 39 gnomes have risen into the Nimbus.
In the Year 2025, they will learn to Shape new worlds.

This is their story.

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[New] Intelligence by Design

Intent Full Flow to Build Yourself

Click Here to Enter the Learning Module »

12th Jan 2024 - New Miro Board

For Data Visualisation for Business (DVB)

Click Here to Enter the Miro Board »

[New] Code Playground

Version Beta (Supports HTML, CSS, Javascript + JQuery Library)

Click Here to Enter the Code Lab »

"I not only use all the brains that I have,
but all that I can borrow."

— Woodrow Wilson

The Mankind of today has evolved from the mankind of years past…

In modern societies today, we are surrounded by people. Some going faster, slower or solving the same problems as us in the current time.

Patterns exists in the world and sometimes the journeys of others can provide inspirations and roadmaps for us to solve our unique life journeys.

As the creators and builders of the ICT industry…

You have exposure to a wide variety of learning modules covering different aspect of work in the ICT space. The focus of your programme is to help you begin walking a specialise path to develop web applications. The core of any creative, design and development methods is tied to a hidden concept, which is the ability to bind “things”.

To destroy something, you need to divide the elements and damage the bonds between them, which made up the whole. Inversely, to create something, you need to gather and bind the right elements, to create the whole.

The concept of “binding” can be applied to a lot of situations. As a creator and builder, we bring together different perspectives, different motivations and passions, different knowledge and skills, different tools and techniques, different people… as we identify problems and solve one small part of work in the world.

We don’t have to be the best in everything but we can be the best in knowing where the different parts are, which can be brought together to create something great.

To do that, we need to see further than the rest of the professions, to imagine more, and be connected to other creators and builders, who may possess different or stronger knowledge and skills than us.

An example of the process to design for new information content

An example of the process to build new software product/service

An example of the process to learn from others

"A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with a huge noise.
Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet.
This is the power of silence.
Grow silently."

— Confucius

The creators or builders that are capable of doing great things in the world are not superstars standing alone, looking down disdainfully at the commoners.
(You are not training to be sales people trying to bullshit and misdirect other humans as you walk a path of glory, at cost to others.)

Rather, the greatest creators or builders are a collective of humans, whose path is to create and build, while working towards a common cause and mission.

To create great works, or to solve one part of the world that is going wrong, you have to come together with like-minded beings walking the same paths.

In every human contains their life stories and experiences, everyone has something to contribute.

The true might of humanity is not as a lone individual, but as a collective of souls in alignment.

So cast that ego aside, and be open to learn… from others.

Understand What is Available In Our System Today, That We Can Utilise Within Our Environments…

Youth Networking Events / Forums
(To Build Connections and Learn From Same Aged People)


Young NTUC
Ref: https://www.youngntuc.org.sg/wps/portal/ydu2/home

Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) - Youth Cyber Exploration Programme
Ref: https://www.csa.gov.sg/our-programmes/talents-skills-development/sg-cyber-talent/sg-cyber-youth/youth-cyber-exploration-programme

Competitions / Challenges and Funding Programmes
(To Build Connections, Find and Observe Like-minded People)


World Skills - 2023 (Hosted in Singapore)
Ref: https://www.worldskills.sg/

Mentorship Programmes
(To Build Connections and Learn From Old-er People)

Industry Networking Programmes
(To Build Connections and Learn From Others)

Trade Shows
(To See Further... into the Horizons of Our Domains)

Find the Stars That Can Guide Your Path. Gather Your Northern Lights…

Once you have greater understanding of yourself and your environment... You can begin to figure out new ways to learn better and overcome your personal hurdles…

Begin dreaming, planning and doing…

All these aspects combined will give your life “meaning”, “purpose”, “goals” and/or “mission” through your design. Don't wait for someone to give you meaning in life...

Create your own special meaning, the reason Why you are here, in this moment in time.

To accelerate your growth, to give you hope for the long journey ahead...

  • Find those who have walked similar paths,
  • Find those who have reached where you wish to be.

Plot their journeys and learn from them.

I have found four ex-ITE students who have created their own success, to help you understand the different areas in ICT you can strive for and carve out a living.

ITE Alumni - The Varied Paths of Studies and Work

Journey 1 - Male (30 years++)

Journey 2 - Female (50 years++)

Journey 3 - Male (30 years++)

Journey 4 - Male (30 years++)

More Content will be added gradually to this section overtime. Stay tuned!