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Intelligence by Design

Section 6: Learning How to Do What's Planned

Taking the First Step and Walking the Path You Designed

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✨ Explorers and Shapers of the Digital Worlds ✨

In the Year 2023, 42 gnomes came to Earth.
In the Year 2024, 39 gnomes have risen into the Nimbus.
In the Year 2025, they will learn to Shape new worlds.

This is their story.

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[New] Intelligence by Design

Intent Full Flow to Build Yourself

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"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

— Walter H. Cottingham

Intelligent is the Man/Woman Who Knows Thyself, Have Great Dreams and Is Capable of Planning…

But Potential Can Only be Manifested By DOING…

What separates ordinary dreamers from successful dreamers and planners, is the ability to carry out and execute plans consistently.

Intelligence without action is but a waste of good brains, time and resources.

You may have the best dreams, the most beautiful strategy, but if you can’t get started on the first step of your own plan, and make consistent effort to keep up with the planned timeline, then nothing will happen or ever change for you.

It will be similar to you wanting to travel the world, packed your luggage, but never having the courage to step outside of Singapore.

If you stick to doing the same old thing that created your current state, and expect to be better by just dreaming and telling the whole world of your plans, that’s pretty crazy and delusional.

You need to get yourself checked because you are not aligned with reality.

"Every Great Move Forward In Your Life Begins With a Leap Of Faith,
A Step Into the Unknown"

— Brian Tracy

Fear of the unknown and laziness to do work are among the greatest hurdles that stop plans from being carried out.

You can even see this in adults who talk big, have a lot of capabilities and want to initiate great transformation to create better situations, yet years later nothing have changed but excuses are many.

So how do you avoid falling into the same trap as these old-er people?

There is a reason why Section 2: Mapping Out Your “Self” is important.

To overcome fear of the unknown and laziness to do work, you need to be able to:

  • Build habits,
  • Have self-discipline and determination,
  • Have courage and remain humble.

"People do not decide their futures,
they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures."

— F. Matthias Alexander

How Do You Build Habits?

The most important factor to improve yourself and your life, are the habits that you keep, and the new habits that you can create.

Different gurus on the internet have different advice. But habits are tied to our internal conditioning, learning and doing cycles.

To make something becomes a new habit:

  • It has to be easy to repeat,
  • It has to be simple enough to keep track, and
  • You have to be willing during the beginning to closely monitor your progress, and put in a lot of effort to maintain the momentum.

YouTube. Muchelleb. Habit Building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S58cMZaHoi0

"You have power over your mind—not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength."

— Marcus Aurelius

How to Have Self-Discipline?

Humans are emotional creatures. You may even say that we as humans are partially powered by our emotions.

There is a reason why your dreams and plans have to tie with something close to your heart, because that is how you can more easily activate your self-discipline and determination to bring to life what you have imagined.

If you really want it, you WILL do it. Learn to strengthen and harness your willpower.

Life throws us distractions, barriers to success, limitations, all of these can be overcome only if the humans are determined, skilled, and work out a path to succeed in life.

You have to put in effort, reward yourself for tiny successes as you walk the longer journey in your plan.

You must also be thick-skinned enough to continue after failures or setbacks, to push on and rework your strategies.

Recognise what is in your control and not get upset at things outside of your control. Because you have to own your own choices, own your own actions, before you can even create and own your future successes.

The Balance of Courage, Confidence, Humbleness and Openness to Learn…

To do great things, we must have courage and confidence to push through.

To overcome uncertainties in great workings and continue growing in strength, we must stay humble and open to listen.

Courage and confidence are not enough to get things done. One single human or even one collective of humans is/are not all mighty and all seeing.

We are all Limited Editions human beings. Different individuals can see and can solve different things.

Always be open to advice. Always be open to receive help. Always find ways to work with others.

If someone gives you feedback on areas you have done badly and areas you can improve, don’t just react negatively.

Pause, listen and understand from a neutral perspective, assess if what is said is true.

This can allow you to identify flaws and gaps about your knowledge and skills which you are not aware of.

The advice may give you insights as to how you can build yourself and do things better.

But we must also acknowledge that in life, there are others who may not want you to grow and excel.

Jealously and fear of someone becoming better than them are in-built human behavior and survival mechanism. Not everyone is able to convert negative emotions into positive fuel, to grow to new heights.

Where "advice" are just criticism or non-constructive opinions meant to weaken your purpose or make you fall, then be aware and strong enough to ignore and mentally delete them.

Turn your focus back on your goals.

Being humble allows you to have room to grow.

Over confidence however, will instead strengthen your own limitations, trapping you in your self-made boundaries and stopping your own growth. This is especially if you actually think you "know everything" and there’s nothing else others can teach you.

The truth is, there is more in this world that we do not know, than the things we do know.

To uncover new mysteries and turn them into new knowledge, we have to maintain confidence in our abilities, yet also be willing to be humbled as we learn from others.

Understand who has the knowledge, the right advice, and be open to grow...

So that you can ride the waves happening in this world with courage and MAKE things HAPPEN.

As you build up your capabilities overtime, you will have more choices in life.

Once you reached a level of independence and mastery, you will then have more control over who you wish to work for or help to empower.

More Content will be added gradually to this section overtime. Stay tuned!