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Intelligence by Design

Section 5: Learning How to Plan

Be the Designer for Your Own Unique Intelligence Process

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In the Year 2023, 42 gnomes came to Earth.
In the Year 2024, 39 gnomes have risen into the Nimbus.
In the Year 2025, they will learn to Shape new worlds.

This is their story.

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[New] Intelligence by Design

Intent Full Flow to Build Yourself

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12th Jan 2024 - New Miro Board

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Version Beta (Supports HTML, CSS, Javascript + JQuery Library)

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"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change."

— Albert Einstein

Understand the Constants Which Creates the Dimensions and Boundaries Within Your Plans…

Planning for different situations will involve different considerations, but there are a few constants that will always be there.

The First is Time...

Which defines the start and the end of the journey which you designed.

The Second is Resources…

Which sets limits and provide substance as to what you wish to create and build.

The Third is Manpower / Capabilities…

Which allows the individual or team to harness the gathered resources, empower the creation and carry out the plan overtime.

When You Deal With Time At An Advanced Level…

Time can also be segmented into “windows”. Especially when you begin learning the discipline of foresight, that allows you to “see” or make “limited predictions” into the future.

Usually in strategy and foresight, time is segmented into:

  • Short-Term (which could be planning for 1-3 years)
  • Mid-Term (which could be planning for 3-8 years)
  • Long-Term (which could be planning for 9 years and beyond)

The duration of how different strategists or futurists segment the windows of time may differ, and mid- to long- term plans usually see great changes as you carry it out over the years.

This is because we are in a living world, where everyone is growing and changing, the world moves on regardless of what you planned.

If the opportunities, considerations, resources or capabilities in your plan changed, you will also need to decide how to re-look into the future, and build a new path to your goals.

Change is a disruptive constant that you must expect, especially for plans carried out over a long time.

Learn to adapt.

How to Get Started as a Level 0 Planner…

When you are a noob planner who is just starting out, just plan for a few weeks or a few months.

It could be tied to some project you wish to do on your own for your portfolio, or your family’s vacation in the holidays.

The discipline of planning within Computer Science is called Project Management.

If you have interest in this subject, you can check out some free learning materials online.

Grow with Google. Certificates. Project Management Certificate.

Ref: https://grow.google/certificates/project-management/

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Explore Open Courseware. Search Words: “Project Management”.

Ref: https://ocw.mit.edu/search/?q=project+management

How to Plan and Become a Seeker of Knowledge… Within Your Domain…

Once you are ready, to be a Seeker of Knowledge. To learn and explore the vast domain of knowledge under Computer Science, you will need to bind the following:

And when the future changes, when you change, or when the environment changes and you need to amend your plans, re-iterate by looking within (yourself) before you look out.

Into those around you and into time, and come up with a new plan.

When the Going Gets Tough, Never Begrudge Those With a Smoother Path, Instead Use Your Energy to Focus On Building Your Highway to Your Futures...

You may use the template below to map out your study interest and plan out your study targets over different time periods.

Interest Profiling Example (Click on this Link to See the Enlarged Image)

Interest Profiling Template (Click on this Link to Download a PDF Copy)

You can also use the template below to work out the iterative flows to improve and strengthen different abilities as you keep training in your domain.

Self-Growth and Cultivation Example (Click on this Link to See the Enlarged Image)

Self-Growth and Cultivation Template (Click on this Link to Download a PDF Copy)

I will find time to go through once with you, how to use the templates to plan out your self-studies and personal growth journey in the domain of Computer Science.

More Content will be added gradually to this section overtime. Stay tuned!