In one more week your Year 1 Term 4 will conclude, and your December holidays will begin.

Your Vacation for December period will begin from 9th Dec 2023, Saturday and end at 7th Jan 2023, Sunday.
Here is some information to take note.
- Your next school term (Year 2 Term 1) will start next year on 8th Jan 2023, Monday.
- Each year your class code will evolve. In year 2, your class code will begin with N.
- To save the hassle of renaming our class every year, we will inherit the class names of your seniors (if you don’t like the name, you go after Mr. James 👼).

Important Dates Upcoming:
- Year 2 Term 1’s timetable will be given out during the last week of your December holidays (1st to 5th Jan 2024).
- Year 1 Term 4’s module grades will be released on 22 December 2023 (Friday), from 8:00am.
Other Activities Upcoming:
- Class Movie Weekend:
- Kai Heem will be helping to figure out if any of you will like to go movies together one weekend.
- Class Picnic (?):
- Originally suggested by Jovan, we can decide if we want one when holiday begins.
As You Begin Year 2 As Class N.

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Keep Aware Of How To Build Yourself and Your End Goals, As You Journey Towards Year 3.

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[…] Your new class code is QH2301N. Codename Nimbus. […]