Dear class, your classmates have formed two teams (Team SENTINELS and Team PUCK) and taken part in last Friday’s RoboMaster Challenge.
Let’s congratulate the 6 boys for giving their best and investing time for practice. They will earn PRAISE points for their participation.
Let’s also give our heartiest respect for Team SENTINELS (Jed, Aaron John and Ryan). The team have clinched 1st Prize during the challenge. The team will be contributing $20 NTUC vouchers from their earnings to the class BBQ fund.
Team SENTINELS has also been invited to form a new 5-men team. They will be one of the teams representing School of Electronics & Info-Comm Technology (SEIT), ITE College West, for the upcoming DJI RoboMaster Youth Championship 2023.
Competition Dates: 15, 16 May 2023 (TBC: dates are fluid, may change)
National University of Singapore
Shaw Foundation Alumni House
11 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119244
Let’s give our best wishes to the newly formed team Project Kingsmen consisting of Conroy (Leader), Aaron John, Jed, Ryan, and Wei Teck. The team has also included Cynthia (reserve) as the team’s backup member. Have fun in the upcoming battles!