As mentioned in today’s class session, we are hosting a class naming competition for your Year 3 class.

Participants of the Competition Needs to:

1. Choose a good class name that must start with or contain U (you may even re-use the suggested name from the slides, and just design the class banner).

2. Design a class banner for next year that can be hosted on Gnomeledge.

3. The name has a reasonable slogan that defines the character of the class e.g., Seekers of Knowledge, Class of Dreamers.

4. Submit the banner in (jpg, jpeg or png format of min 1200w x1200h pixels).

5. Submit the source file which can be Illustrator, Photoshop or Animate.

This competition is based on Individual submission.

Submit by 2359hr, 30th June 2024 (Sunday)

Prize Money: $80

More details in Class Teams’ – Competition Dropbox

Dropbox in Class Teams 

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